New Bus Map (click to enlarge) |
Yeshiva World reported today that many bus lines are going to change on June 29th. One of the main changes is that there will be 220 less busses a day passing Rechov Agripas. This is because Agripas, traffic wise, is the worst street to be on, ever since the light rail tracks began being built on Rechov Yaffo. On the
official website, there is a
map of all the upcoming changes. Affecting us Ramat Eshkol'ers, the 4/4A, 25, and 45 will all undergo changes. The 4/4A will now also stop at the Givat Ha'Mivtar Train Station. The 25 and 45 will now travel Betzalel and Eliyash to Ha'nevi'im towards Levi Eshkol, instead of traveling through Agripas to Ha'Nevi'im.
There a couple new lines that will be serving Ramat Eshkol. The 40 will make its way from Levi Eshkol towards Bar Ilan and then Golda Meir, thereby being the first bus to take that route. The 52 will go through Ma'avar Mitla and Yam Suf and make its way though Ezrat Torah, Sorotzkin, Givat Shaul and eventually Har Nof.
Also newsworthy, the 2, 9A, 10, 15/15A bus lines will all be cancelled.
"there will be 220 less busses a day"
ReplyDeleteThat should be "fewer buses". If you can count it, you say "fewer" If you can't count it, say "less" eg, "less water", less progress","less stupidity", "less ink".
Here's wishing you fewer mistakes!
According to this entry by Merriam Webster, that rule is not one that is followed, nor is it a rule that has been around for too long. They claim that since a thousand years ago and on, the fewer/less rule had never existed. More so, even the first person that suggested it, Robert Blake, only said "I think it would be better" if fewer was in place of less in certain situations. Later on, linguists turned his words into the fewer/less rule. To me, it all a bunch of nonsense as in reality no one speaks uses "fewer", and neither does it flow well in sentences.
DeleteIn conclusion, some yo-yo made up some grammatical rule and all the grammar nazi's took his words as god-given. Even prescriptive grammarians agree that that the basis of linguistic research is text analysis and field studies, both of which are descriptive activities, (and in reality, people have always been using "less" in basically any context, eg, "10 items or less" aisles), another reason why the fewer/less rule is flawed.
You make less sense the longer you go on about it.
ReplyDeletePossibly you meant fewer cents?
DeleteJust kidding.