Pregnancy/Ovulation/Strep Tests

Rapid Strep Tests
30 ₪
Esti 02-581-2849
Sanhedria/Ramat Eshkol

Call anytime


Tzipora Bachrach RN. 
Located near Maayan 2000
Call 02-582-2540

Pregnancy and Ovulation Tests 
5 ₪ Pregnancy tests located inside the electric box near each apartment. 
Leave money. 3 ₪ Ovulation tests available at locations in green lettering.
For more info, call 02-581-7092

Ramat Eshkol

Uriel 7, 1st floor
Mishmar Ha'Gvul 1, apt 8
Ramat Hagolan 9, apt 12
Sderot Eshkol 12, apt 5

Other Neighborhoods
Arzei Habira 45, apt 7 
Ma'alot Dafna 139, apt 10
Ma'alot Dafna 118, apt 28
Sanhedria Murchevet 132, apt 3
Sanhedria Murchevet 109, apt 7
Panim Me'irot 13, apt 19
Sorotzkin 9A, top floor
Mishkelov 6, apt 5
Pnina 6A, downstairs to the left
Rosh Pina 1B, ground floor
Ezras Torah 33, apt 13
Menachem Meishiv 3, apt 7
Minchas Yitzchak 6, apt 10
Yirmiyahu 48, apt 13


  1. I don't normally put personal things on my author blog, but because so many people have never heard of what I've been going through, and because others missed.

  2. They are also very accurate if you carefully follow directions. 36 weeks pregnant
